Thursday, January 24

Regs unable to get streak started, lose again.

Regulators put up a great effort, but were outnumbered in another loss.

streak (strēk)

1. a line or long, thin mark; stripe or smear, generally differing in color or texture from the surrounding area
2. a ray of light or a flash, as of lightning
3. a vein or stratum of a mineral
4. a layer, as of fat in meat
5. a strain, element, or tendency in behavior, temperament, etc.; trait a jealous streak
6. * a period, spell, or series a streak of bad luck, a streak of losses

After just managing to field 5 players, the Regs were dealt an early blow when All-Star centre Sam Fuggle fell awkwardly and rolled his ankle. This reduced them to a 4-on-5 contest for most of the game (and they had a sub).

The first half was predicably shithouse for the Regulators, and then something special happened.

Roopa and Digs upped the 'D' in the backcourt.

Matt Owens started and finished fast breaks.

Matt Leonard became a dominant force inside.

All the regulators took it right to the hole and converted well-earned free throws.

Add all that up and the Regs not only held their own, but outscored the opposition by about 10 points - all while having one less player and calling no time-outs!

So in honour of this effort, here you go biatches - some more sweet pics...

Saturday, January 19

You want the truth?

You can't handle the truth: Q & A session for the comments...

The Colonel is doubtful of your truth handling ability

An awesome response to the latest post - 5 comments! I'm pretty sure this is because of the win and not a response to the quality of content in the report.

Anonymous Leonard said...

Roobs dominated the boards, Matty O was unbeatible in traffic, MCDougal passed through congestion and Matty L was dominate in close. Regulators at their best !!!!

January 15, 2008 11:38 PM

Thanks Leonard, but what - Sam just sat and watched? Whoever you are, Sam's not happy with your report and will be on the lookout...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

When do we get to play SHADOWS?

January 15, 2008 11:43 PM

Now this one threw me. Why the fuck do you care about the Shadows? Obviously you are a scout for the Shadows and therefore I'm not telling you jack you, you - JACKFACE!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

A win with no Torrance out there to terrorize the opposition.....everyone must have been firing

January 18, 2008 11:39 AM

Now here's another one of those psycho Ben Torrance fans. Yes everyone was firing, but you know what? There are help groups for people like you. Torrance Anonymous, or Tor Anon for short. I'm glad to say I've made it to step eight: Admitting there's a higher power ABOVE Ben Torrance [sigh]

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where was Rooper????

January 19, 2008 3:22 AM

Now we have Roopa addicts too? Gotta be the tatts right? Let me tell ya, Roopa had a MORE IMPORTANT ENGAGEMENT TO ATTEND. Yeah that's right it's out there now. Roopa, the fans will turn on you, they're fickle as a mutha - word.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

And when is he back?

January 19, 2008 3:24 AM

See! They want blood! Lets just say he's out indefinitely...and his twi brother will be playing next week.

So as a reward for the top comments, here's 3 pics I found when I Googled 'hottie' - [cough] for blog purposes only.

Tuesday, January 15


Scientists finally break the code: this above equation is 100% correct

In a stunning reversal of form, the Regulators finally get a win against TBA.

The Regulators led from start to finish, but had to make some crucial free-throws in the clutch to get the win, 29 - 25. Digs, Matt Owens and Sam converted one of two freebies each to just keep victory out of reach for the scrappy TBA.

When asked how it feels to finally break the cherry, Matt Leonard said, "It was one of the best nights of my life, he was very gentle with me...oh you mean getting our first win? Yeah that feels good too!"

Next game is 5:50 next Monday - lets see if they can build on this historic win.