Tuesday, October 23

3 in a row - Regs lose again

The hot shooting Stayers couldn't miss, and the Regulators couldn't match them.

Well there's not a lot you can do when a team hits roughly 75 three-pointers (yes - some were contested). All Regulators on the floor put in 110% and played very well, but you're not gonna beat a team shooting like that.

Game highlights:

• Digs and Ben not bringing their cameras and so no shots or footage of the game for you to browse

• Team Mascot Dillon showing some potential to be the ball boy in years to come with some real hustle in the shoot-around

• Reuben getting ejected after arguing some rough play a bit too much - reducing us to five

• Matt Owens taking over offensively with great shots, drives and passing

• Regulators going on a patient and extended run to tie the game with under 10 mins to go. This was a direct result of Owens scoring, Digs and David controlling the tempo, Sam and Matt defending well and getting all rebounds. Inspiring stuff.

• The Regulators unveiling their new defensive scheme - the first time a team hasn't played straight 3-2 zone in 45 years of recorded Melbourne Mens basketball

• After being behind by heaps all game long and then tying the game up, the opposition immediately hitting a 3 pointer. Happens so often in all levels of basketball that it's just ridiculous

So once again, positive signs everywhere - now where's that fucking WIN?

That's all I got to say - except there's a chance we may get some training organised this weekend. If you see a pig flying in your local area, then you know what the Regs are doing.