Thursday, February 21

Blackout: Powerhouse fusebox busted by Regulators

The Regulators made it three wins in a row and four of their last five with a 3 point win Monday night.

This wasn't the first thing to pop up when 'blackout' was Googled...

Apparently Britney has an album of the same name.

I like the blonde one better

In a controversial and often spiteful encounter - where allegations of cheating forced the Regulators to have a man on the bench and play 4 on 5 - the Regulators continued their scintillating form and held on in the dying seconds for the win.

Missing big man Reuben and the solid play of Matt Owens, the now confident Regulators still felt they were the team to beat.

Recently injured Sam looks back to 100% and dominated the paint, wearing out Powerhouse's big men who basically did nothing all game long.

Matt Leonard didn't have the eye-popping game we've been seeing in recent weeks, but still managed a solid effort. His board work once again conjuring thoughts of Dennis Rodman at his best.

So with the Powerhouse bigs being asked to deal with way too much, how did the game become so close I hear you ask? (terrible comment, I know - someone pass me a drink or shoot me...I feel numb...)

It was a combination of two decent guards and good use of bench rest.
And that's where the game was won. They might have had the better, more skilled players, but this is the fucking Regulator defense we're talking about! Read last weeks column if you need to.

I'm talking Roopa hassling their PG before he crosses half court. He was damn near molesting the poor sucka. And this was from start to finish, with no bench! The man is a walking Energizer battery advertisement. You know with him being the one with the Energizer battery in his back and the opposition has the Home Brand shit? No? Well fuck you - I can see it!

This hustle inspired Digs and Ben to work hard too. Flat from the late game time and possibly hung over. A close game like this requires a full effort and these two delivered, particularly in the end of the game when rebounds and scores were crucial.

In the last five minutes when Powerhouse took the lead and had an extra man out there you'd be forgiven for thinking 'game over, nice try Regulators'. And if you did think that, you're a filthy slut. Ben and Digs delivered the winning touches through offensive rebounds and clutch scoring. They had about five offensive boards each at the end, tapping back missed shots until the sucka went in. Back on defense they grabbed rebounds over bigger guys who were exhausted. It was like they said, 'thanks guys for getting us here, we'll knock them off now.'

One last game left in this season - 10pm next Monday. Against the hated rival Dictators.
