Friday, June 13

Torrance sworn in as new Regs captain.

The Regulators look to new direction and J Grade is stunned.

Rumours confirmed: Torrance is the Regulators Captain

Ben Torrance will take the reigns in the next match for the Regulators as Digs has handed over the keys to a new owner.

'I was honored to cop the captaincy all those years ago, but fuck - filling out those forms and rou...hang on. I just saw Matthew Lloyd take a massive hanger...that was sick...yeah so basically I just want to get out there and play ball.' he said.

The official statement released from Ben's press department was issued earlier today:

'Phsycing myself up for the job....
There will be a few changes...only in terms of our defence
Will have to wait for the press conference for more info..'

Sounds exciting. We could have a record number of votes in the next poll question,

'What does the captain shake up mean for the Reglators?'

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